19C Grand Tour Album - Middle East - Europe - Japan
I am inviting offers for the album or single
double sided mounts on request.
The card mounts are 28.2 X 37.7cms.
The images are smaller than the mount size.
For enquiries email: bill_purvis@tpg.com.au
An image from this album featured in a tribute after the fire:
Notre-Dame de Paris 'The Classics' - from my collection
1753 La Tour Eiffel, vue prise de la Passerelle de Passy |
1 Bruxelles Hotel De Ville L.P. Phot |
266 Rouen Statue de Joanne-d'Arc ND. Phot
Information regarding the publishers ND
294. Eve. (Hiolle) Kuhn (photo) |
Not titled photographer unknown |
336, Luxembourg Galathee (Marqueste) Kuhn Paris (photo) |
5191 NApoli Castel Nuovo Arco di trionfo in onore d'Aragona,
eretto nel 1470: Giuliano da Maiano |
5171. Napoli, Museo Naz: Supplizio di Dirce, detto il Toro Farnese:
Apollonio e Taurisco scolpirono. |
10. - Bruxelles Sainte-Gudule la Chaire. (l.P., Phot) |
34.-Bruxelles-Statue Equestre De Godefroy De Bouillon |
404. - Louvre - Galerie De La Venus De Milo Kuhn Paris phot |
No 583 Curiosites Egyptienne Zangaki phot |
Untitled image trimmed at bottom just shows upper
cursive appears to be 'Z'angaki phot |
No: 200 Moses Well phot unknown |
No. 872 Danse de Sudan Zangaki phot |
Photo caption '1081 Musee du Louvres Les Sabines (detail), par David'
Painting titled 'DAVID (Jaques Louis) 1748+1825
Les Sabines Arretant Le Combat Entre Les Romains Et Les Sabins'
J.Kuhn Editeur 220 Rue de Rivoli Paris X Phot |
1167 Musee Luxembourg Les Vainqueurs de Salamines (detail), par Cormon
Artists initial (incomplete) alongside date 1887
J. Kuhn Paris X Phot |
5008. NAPOLI Colonna della Vittoria, eretta nel 1864 Piazza dei Martiri |
412 Louvre - Antiques - La Venus De Milo
J. Kuhn Paris |
untitled? milk maid with pale of milk
J. Kuhn Paris Phot |
Le Seville Dans La cour Les Doncelles, L’alcazar
My translation, 'The Seville In the Courtyard The Doncelles, The Alcazar'
395 Luxembourg inaug hon de l'Opera (detail)
J. Kuhn Phot |
Upper: 715 Cloisters Furness Abbey A.P. Pettitts Series Keswick Phot
Lower: 724 Chapter House Furness Abbey A.P. Pettitts Series Keswick Phot |
719 Entrance to Choir Furness Abbey A.P.
Pettitts Series Keswick Phot |
242 Rouen La Grosse Horloge
ND Phot |
Upper: my description - Rock of Gibraltar fortifications
Lower: my description - cannon and shells fortification |
Upper: 70P West Tower Furness Abbey A.P. Pettitts Series Keswick Phot
Lower: my description - Rock of Gibraltar vendors, donkeys, family, soldier? |
Soldats Soudeniens 1881 Arnoux Port Said Phot
Page 127 Hippolyte Arnoux
'Focus East - Early Photography In The Near East 1839-1885'
Nissan N. Perez publ: 1988 The Domino Press Ltd., Jerusalem
No 573 Porteur d'eau Zangaki Phot |
Untitled - Sphinx - G. Sarolides Phot |
Title trimmed - No 589 Bazar .... Zangaki Phot |
508 Luxembourg La jeunesse et L'Amour (Crauk) C.
CRAUK (A.D. Gustave) |
212 Playing Koto & Shamisen |
Upper: 197 Fontaine Sainte-Marie ND Phot
Lower: 120 Portail de l'Eglise Saint-Ouen ND Phot |
67. Home Bath |
1641 Hors Concours Kuhn Paris Phot |
217. Group of Children. |
No 874 Bazar de cannes a sucre Zangaki Phot |
Untitled: A posed studio group 6 children and 1 man
Zangaki Phot |
310 Bruxelles Le Grand Escalier du Palais de Justice ND. Phot |
182 Paris Interieur Du Dome des Invalides. L.L. J. Kuhn Phot |
148 Paris Le Grand Escalier de l'Opera X Phot |
204 Paris La Cathedrale (Eglise Notre Dame) X Phot |
No 625 Soldat Abyasin a Dog Zangaki Phot
No. 36 Anvers La Chaire a L'Eglise St-Andre G.H. Phot |
no. 99 Au bord du Nil. Caire G Sarolides Phot |
No. 595 Chameau de desert Zangaki Phot |
16 Untitled Fruit vendors group |
The image above is reproduced on page 199 of
'Focus East - Early Photography In The Near East 1839-1885'
Nissan N. Perez publ: 1988 The Domino Press Ltd., Jerusalem
The image is titled 'Selling Fruit in Cairo', 1876 Carlo Naya Phot
Untitled: Schoolmaster and pupils or religious teachings? |
Untitled: No. 1 Girl on a swing - it may be a copy print |
The album inside cover image - 753 Musee du Luxembourg La Plage, par Virginie Dumont Breton 1883
X Phot J. Kuhn Paris |
Copied in imperfect light via a Nikon D90. |
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