Monday, March 23, 2020

Self imposed isolation diary

Entry 22 April 2020
I have resurrected my 8mm Kodak colour film project
with some recent work.

Opening entry
I am not home alone.
Glenda and Dan live here too.
Glenda and I are retired seniors.
Dan is a university lecturer and professional photographer.
He is concerned not to infect us,
should he become infected.
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Click on image to enlarge - 3D View - view cross -eyed

I planted a garden it turned out to be an absolute fizzer, not enough sun.
Glass covered - spray in use

Walk the dog and take iphone photos.

Fitness trainer - loo paper window art
1. The strength is in the tissue
2. Red car - House - 'For Sale'
Red car - opposite house for sale
A perilous time for the real estate market with projections of up to 20%
falls in property prices.

Created a 3D image, using Photoshop, from photos of the garden bed.
My trusty standby camera a Nikon D90 mounted on a hand held stereo grip.

Tuesday night Wednesday 25 March
Huey and Priscilla returned to Adelaide from Canada.
They are in isolation for 14 days.
It is great they are back in these difficult times.
Photo courtesy Daniel Purvis Instagram

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