Monday, March 23, 2020

Self imposed isolation diary

Entry 22 April 2020
I have resurrected my 8mm Kodak colour film project
with some recent work.

Opening entry
I am not home alone.
Glenda and Dan live here too.
Glenda and I are retired seniors.
Dan is a university lecturer and professional photographer.
He is concerned not to infect us,
should he become infected.
Add caption
Click on image to enlarge - 3D View - view cross -eyed

I planted a garden it turned out to be an absolute fizzer, not enough sun.
Glass covered - spray in use

Walk the dog and take iphone photos.

Fitness trainer - loo paper window art
1. The strength is in the tissue
2. Red car - House - 'For Sale'
Red car - opposite house for sale
A perilous time for the real estate market with projections of up to 20%
falls in property prices.

Created a 3D image, using Photoshop, from photos of the garden bed.
My trusty standby camera a Nikon D90 mounted on a hand held stereo grip.

Tuesday night Wednesday 25 March
Huey and Priscilla returned to Adelaide from Canada.
They are in isolation for 14 days.
It is great they are back in these difficult times.
Photo courtesy Daniel Purvis Instagram

Monday, March 2, 2020

Glendas Diorama

Glendas Diorama

Glenda created a diorama which I photographed for her.
The Gif shown is part of the completed work, an assemblage
referencing 'buttons', and the theme 'Pause'.
Next time I will use a 'lazy susan' to rotate the display rather
than by hand which has caused some wobbles.
The work will be exhibited on:
Search 'Artists': Glenda Kent
Gif created: billpurvis

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The collected works of Raymond Meeks

The collected works of Raymond Meeks
by bill purvis

Who has not got a photobook by Stephen Shore or Alec Soth on their bookshelf?
I am certain the majority of photobook collectors would.
Art Collectors, of the painting type, may acquire works by one particular  artist either
directly from the artist or through a gallery. I decided to research with this objective, 
to focus on collecting the work of one photographer.
I do not have unlimited funds but I am a collector.
How did I research at the time? I think Photoeye and Nazraeli Press were two resources,
and Google , ebay, AbeBooks and Book Depository. 
I came upon a book which caught my attention, 'Sound of Summer Running',
publ: Nazraeli, author: Raymond Meeks.
The work appealed as a representation of the nostalgic idylls  of childhood with
an old worldly charm.
The trade issue comprised 1000 copies, and a clam shell boxed limited edition 
of 50 signed copies, with prints limited to 5 sets of 10 prints each.
The print 'Crow, Fence, Montana. 2001' appealed to me.
I had missed the original 2004 issue date, my research commenced later, but copies
were available online from book dealers and one was acquired. Not an inexpensive
purchase but the exchange rate in $USD and $AUD was on par.
This then set me on the road to focus on collecting works by Raymond Meeks.
I became aware of earlier issues and subscribed to later issues directly from 
Raymond Meeks through his web site.
Raymond appreciated my subscription and I his personal notes of Thanks.
His appropriated, deconstructed, reconstructed, redacted, tactile individually unique 
small issue rare works are treasured. The individually crafted box in which his work 
'where objects fall away' was packaged is an objet d'art in itself. I adore it with the 
photo of his beloved dog Jake on the front.
The crafted boxes are great for protecting and storing the works on my shelves.
This book limited to just 14 copies is particularly prized by me.
Because of the small edition sizes I think my collection is enviable.
Currently the exchange rate of $1AUD = $0.659USD makes purchasing prohibitive.
The book I bought on par would now cost me $AUD1402.00 but the last sale of the 
rare 'where objects fall away' was $USD1750 so Im glad I have the very ltd edn #7/14.

Self portrait - reading 'Sound of Summer Running' 

A slideshow of books, prints and cards - the collected works of Raymond Meeks