Thursday, September 29, 2016

Torrens River - Obahn Busway - Flood - September 2016

Torrens River - Obahn Busway - Flood - September 2016

A photograph taken at about 1AM of the Torrens Weir.
A flood alert was issued for the river.
We tracked the river to the weir in Adelaide CBD.
The photograph is a 4sec hand held exposure braced against a rail.

Leo frolicking beside the flooded Torrens River.
'Karrawirra Pari' - Red Gum Forest River

Cycling the flooded Karrawirra Pari - Red Gum Forest River - Ascot Ave Bridge

Cycling the flooded Karrawirra Pari - Red Gum Forest River - Battams Road bridge

After the storm - near Battams Road foorbridge

Battams Road footbridge - unpassable

A slightly slower frame rate. The speed of the bus is relative to the duck preening it's feathers, the speed of the cyclist and the flow of water. There is a missing frame coz the transfer rate was too slow or I lifted my finger momentarily?? hence the cyclist jumps ahead.
There are 34 frames in the sequence. Oh and the bus jumps ahead too which would help explain the accelerated speed

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