Tuesday, March 19, 2019

19C Grand Tour Album - Middle East - Europe - Japan

19C Grand Tour Album - Middle East - Europe - Japan 

I am inviting offers for the album or single
double sided mounts on request.
The card mounts are 28.2 X 37.7cms.
The images are smaller than the mount size.
For enquiries email: bill_purvis@tpg.com.au

An image from this album featured in a tribute after the fire:
Notre-Dame de Paris 'The Classics' - from my collection

1753 La Tour Eiffel, vue prise de la Passerelle de Passy 

1 Bruxelles Hotel De Ville L.P. Phot

266 Rouen Statue de Joanne-d'Arc ND. Phot 
Information regarding the publishers ND 
can be found at this link: Neurdein Frères / ND. Phot.

294. Eve. (Hiolle) Kuhn (photo) 

Not titled photographer unknown

336, Luxembourg Galathee (Marqueste)  Kuhn Paris (photo)

5191 NApoli Castel Nuovo Arco di trionfo in onore d'Aragona,
eretto nel 1470: Giuliano da Maiano

5171. Napoli, Museo Naz: Supplizio di Dirce, detto il Toro Farnese:
Apollonio e Taurisco scolpirono.

10. - Bruxelles Sainte-Gudule la Chaire. (l.P., Phot)

34.-Bruxelles-Statue Equestre De Godefroy De Bouillon

404. - Louvre - Galerie De La Venus De Milo Kuhn Paris phot

No 583 Curiosites Egyptienne Zangaki phot

Untitled image trimmed at bottom just shows upper
cursive appears to be 'Z'angaki phot

No: 200 Moses Well phot unknown

No. 872 Danse de Sudan Zangaki phot

Photo caption '1081 Musee du Louvres Les Sabines (detail), par David'
Painting titled 'DAVID (Jaques Louis) 1748+1825
Les Sabines Arretant Le Combat Entre Les Romains Et Les Sabins'
J.Kuhn Editeur 220  Rue de Rivoli Paris X Phot 

1167 Musee Luxembourg Les Vainqueurs de Salamines (detail), par Cormon
Artists initial (incomplete) alongside date 1887
J. Kuhn Paris X Phot

5008. NAPOLI Colonna della Vittoria, eretta nel 1864 Piazza dei Martiri

412 Louvre  - Antiques -  La Venus De Milo
J. Kuhn Paris

untitled? milk maid with pale of milk
J. Kuhn Paris Phot

Le Seville Dans La cour Les Doncelles, L’alcazar
My translation, 'The Seville In the Courtyard The Doncelles, The Alcazar'

395 Luxembourg inaug hon de l'Opera (detail)
J. Kuhn Phot

Upper: 715 Cloisters Furness Abbey A.P. Pettitts Series Keswick Phot
Lower: 724 Chapter House Furness Abbey A.P. Pettitts Series Keswick Phot

719 Entrance to Choir Furness Abbey A.P.
Pettitts Series Keswick Phot

242 Rouen La Grosse Horloge
ND Phot  

Upper: my description - Rock of Gibraltar fortifications
Lower: my description - cannon and shells fortification

Upper: 70P West Tower Furness Abbey A.P.  Pettitts Series Keswick Phot
Lower: my description - Rock of Gibraltar vendors, donkeys, family, soldier?

Soldats Soudeniens 1881 Arnoux Port Said Phot

Page 127 Hippolyte Arnoux 
'Focus East - Early Photography In The Near East 1839-1885'
Nissan N. Perez publ: 1988 The Domino Press Ltd., Jerusalem

No 573 Porteur d'eau Zangaki Phot

Untitled - Sphinx - G. Sarolides Phot

Title trimmed - No 589 Bazar .... Zangaki Phot

508 Luxembourg La jeunesse et L'Amour (Crauk) C.
CRAUK (A.D. Gustave)

212 Playing Koto & Shamisen 

Upper: 197 Fontaine Sainte-Marie ND Phot
Lower: 120 Portail de l'Eglise Saint-Ouen ND Phot

67. Home Bath

1641 Hors Concours Kuhn Paris Phot

217. Group of Children. 

No 874 Bazar de cannes a sucre Zangaki Phot

Untitled: A posed studio group 6 children and 1 man
Zangaki Phot

310 Bruxelles Le Grand Escalier du Palais de Justice ND. Phot

182 Paris Interieur Du Dome des Invalides. L.L. J. Kuhn Phot

148 Paris Le Grand Escalier de l'Opera X Phot

204 Paris La Cathedrale (Eglise Notre Dame) X Phot

No 625 Soldat Abyasin a Dog Zangaki Phot

No. 36 Anvers La Chaire a L'Eglise St-Andre G.H. Phot

no. 99 Au bord du Nil. Caire G Sarolides Phot

No. 595 Chameau de desert Zangaki Phot

16 Untitled Fruit vendors group
The image above is reproduced on page 199 of  
'Focus East - Early Photography In The Near East 1839-1885'
Nissan N. Perez publ: 1988 The Domino Press Ltd., Jerusalem
The image is titled 'Selling Fruit in Cairo', 1876 Carlo Naya Phot

Untitled: Schoolmaster and pupils or religious teachings?

Untitled: No. 1 Girl on a swing - it may be a copy print
The album inside cover image - 753 Musee du Luxembourg La Plage, par Virginie Dumont Breton 1883
X Phot J. Kuhn Paris

Copied in imperfect light via a Nikon D90.